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2005 - 2009 Dodge Dakota

  • SKU: ILCO-Y164PT

Philips ID 46 CHR

 The 2009 Dakota has 2 different systems.

Use procedure #1 for Remote/Key WITHOUT transponder.

Use procedure #2 for Remote/Key WITH transponder.


Procedure #1 Remote/Key without Transponder.


NOTE: Any existing remote/keys not used during programming will no longer work.
          With this procedure you are only programming the remote portion of the key.

1. Enter vehicle, close all doors.
    Turn ignition to run position (as far as you can go without starting engine).

2. Using any PROGRAMMED  remote/key, press the UNLOCK button for 4 to 10 seconds.

3. Within the specified 4 to 10 seconds, continue pressing the UNLOCK buton and press
    the PANIC button. A chime will sound indicating programming mode.
Release both buttons.

4. Within 60 seconds carry out the following procedure for each remaining remote/keys.
    Press the LOCK and UNLOCK button at the same time for 2 seconds and release on a
    UNPROGRAMMED remote/key. A chime will sound.
    Within 4 seconds press and
release the UNLOCK button. A chime will sound.

5. Turn ignition to OFF and remove key. 

6. Test 



 Procedure #2 Remote/Key with Transponder

**This procedure CAN ONLY be used on vehicles built in USA.

**You MUST HAVE two working programmed Remote/keys before
    you can add  a third remote/key.

**If you only have ONE WORKING REMOTE/KEY and want to add a
   second key this procedure WILL NOT WORK.

*** in your area to program remote/key
      if you only have one or none working remote/keys

1.  Using first programmed remote/key turn ignition to the ON position
     for 5 seconds. (Do not crank engine). Turn remote/key off and remove.

2.  Within 5 seconds insert second working programmed remote/key.
     Turn ignition to the ON position (Do not crank engine) security light
     will begin to flash and chime will be heard within 10 seconds. Turn
     remote/key off and remove. NOTE: Some vehicles will not chime,
     only the security light will flash.

3.  Within 5 seconds insert third NEW CUT remote/key and turn ignition to
     the ON  position (Do not crank engine). The security light should start
     flashing and within 10 seconds you should hear a chime and the
     security light should go out. Once the security light goes out, the new
     remote/key should be programmed. Turn remote/key to the OFF
     position, remove key.

4.  Test key and remote.