2006 ES330
1. Driver's door open, all other doors closed, key removed from ignition switch.
Within 5 seconds:
Insert and remove the key from the ignition switch twice.
2. Within 40 seconds:
Close and open driver's door twice.
Insert and remove the key from the ignition switch.
3. Within 40 seconds:
Close and open driver's door twice.
Insert the key into the ignition switch and close the driver's door.
4. Switch ignition ON and OFF:
A. Once to program a key remote transmitter code whilst retaining the original codes.
B. Twice to program a key remote transmitter code whilst erasing the original codes.
C. Three times to check how many key remote transmitters are currently registered.
D. Five times to erase all registered codes.
5. Remove key from ignition switch. System should now lock and unlock vehicle
once, twice or five times depending which mode has been selected. One to four
times, slowly, to indicate number of key remote transmitters registered.
6. Within 40 seconds:
Press and hold LOCK and UNLOCK buttons simultaneously for 1.5 seconds.
Within 3 seconds: Press any key remote transmitter button.
System should now lock and unlock vehicle once to confirm registration or twice
to indicate registration has failed.
7. Within 40 seconds:
To program additional remotes repeat step 60 now on each additional
remote you want programmed.
8. To exit programming mode open driver's door or insert key into ignition.
9. Step out of car with remote(s) in hand and test remote(s).